Our Sustainability Approach
We are a small business, and whilst our bread and butter (and love) is human resources, we also know that we have a role to play in operating with a more sustainable and regenerative focus.
We've Achieved B Corp Certification, Setting a New Industry Benchmark in Sustainability!
At PeopleEX, we believe HR can be the driving force behind sustainable change within any organisation. We see our role as more than just managing people—we’re here to foster purpose-driven workplaces that make a positive impact on both people and the planet. That’s why we’re so proud to have achieved B Corp Certification, setting a new standard in our industry.
Our B Corp Certification aligns us with a global movement of businesses dedicated to balancing profit with purpose. Being part of the B Corp community means we’ve met rigorous standards for social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability, joining over 8,400 companies worldwide—from innovative start-ups to global leaders—all committed to using business as a force for good.
Back in 2022, we launched our logical, achievable, sustainable and targeted (LAST) strategy, using the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a framework. That groundwork laid the path to this certification and reflects our commitment to meaningful, measurable impact. Read our sustainability strategy below.
We’re proud to be part of this movement and excited to partner with our clients as we continue shaping purpose-driven workplaces across Aotearoa.
About our LAST Sustainability Strategy
We’re building to LAST - read our plan to become a sustainable business.
To kick off our sustainability and regeneration journey, we looked outside at the sustainability risks and opportunities that we can have an impact on. We then took these inside to co-create this logical, achievable, sustainable and targeted (LAST) strategy with our people. We did this to set us on a course of positive action aligned with our purpose, size and within the context of our HR business.
We have put the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the core of our strategy, using the framework to guide our actions and intentions.
Supporting sustainability is required at every level - global, national, local and individual and across every sector from public to private, government and not-for-profit. We all have a role to play, and this is how (for now) PeopleEX will play its part.
Our LAST strategy details our three-fold approach:
1. Organisational Learning and Training
In 2022 PeopleEX joined the Sustainable Business Network as an Impact Investor to support our sustainability learning. Founded in 2002, the Sustainable Business Network is the largest organisation dedicated to sustainable business in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Our People Partner, Karen Meredith, has recently completed a certification in Business Sustainability Management through the University of Cambridge's Institute for Sustainability Leadership. Using her human resources background and this certification, Karen better understands the importance of leveraging an organisation's people to drive a sustainable and regenerative focus.
2. Organisational Action
As a team, we took the SDG’s and its 169 targets and reviewed them to look for the specific targets where PeopleEX could make a logical, achievable, sustainable and targeted (LAST) impact.
We looked at the action we have taken to date and what we desire to achieve in the future. We commit to reporting on our progress annually by updating our strategy.
Full details on our current and planned actions can be viewed in our LAST strategy.
3. Partnerships
The 17th and final Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) is about partnerships, highlighting the need for cross-sector collaboration to achieve the SDGs by 2030.
SDG 17 aligns perfectly with why we exist – People for Better. We’re here to connect and work in partnership with your people to stimulate better business growth, better social and environmental outcomes, and better people and customer experiences. And, when required, we bring in business partners who are experts in their field to help us do just that.
Details on our current partners are below.
Our SDG Partners
SDG 8 / 9 - Decent work and economic growth / Industry, innovation and infrastructure
The team at Velocite are business growth advisors committed to enabling the success of SMEs across regional New Zealand. They specialise in business growth, strategy, purpose and performance improvement. The UN states, 'Sustained and inclusive economic growth can drive progress, create decent jobs for all and improve living standards'. If our clients need guidance on growth strategy, we partner with Velocite.
Visit velocite.co.nz.
SDG 3 - Good health and wellbeing
IMPAC are New Zealand’s leading provider of health and safety solutions. Their focus is, and always will be, to get everyone home from work to their loved ones - safe and well. Health, safety and wellbeing are essential to sustainable development. If our clients need guidance on health and safety best practices, we partner with IMPAC.
Visit impac.co.nz.
Our Memberships and Charity Partners
Our Regenerative HR Service
When reviewing our sustainability approach, we asked ourselves: How can PeopleEX use HR to support our clients to also become more sustainable?
Enter our Regenerative HR service - working with organisations from the inside-out to restore and rebuild towards a more inclusive, just and sustainable way of doing things.